That's me

name: Simone Mayrhuber

zodiac: aquarius

birthday: 15.2.2006

hobby: photography (see Photos above)

fav subject: english, KMD

fav food : noodlesoup

fav color : blue

what i have achieved:

~ i read the whole Bibel.

~ i won a price, because I sent a photo to the newspaper office, the photo was also shown in the newspaper.

~ I'm currently participating in the Happy Foto photo-competition

That's the way I am:

I'm helpful and always there for people. That means that i support everyone when they need emotional support. I'm not a person who goes along with everything, I think twice before I do something. I'm trustworthy and I can keep secrets. What I don't like at all is bullying or when someone else's opinion isn't tolerated.

Kontakt und Impressum

Das Recht der Bilder liegt bei mir